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Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 13(1): 83-101, jan.-mar.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538387


Objetivo: analisar, sob um olhar bioético, a vulnerabilidade social referente à saúde durante o contexto da pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: foram incluídas publicações de 1º de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2020, revisadas por pares, identificadas nas bases de dados Pubmed, SciELO e LILACS. Foram utilizados para realizar a busca na base Pubmed o termo MESH "COVID-19" conjugado com os termos: "vulnerable population", "population groups", "social determinants of health", "health equity". Os descritores DECS equivalentes em português e em espanhol dos termos MESH foram utilizados na busca nas outras duas bases. Resultados: de um total de 132 artigos, após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram identificados 21 artigos elegíveis. Os temas mais abordados na amostra foram: vulnerabilidades referentes a pessoas idosas, raça, minorias étnicas, condições socioeconômicas precárias, gênero feminino, pessoas com deficiência e condições crônicas de saúde. Observou-se artigos abordando mais de uma temática, integrando aspectos diversos de populações vulneráveis. Com base nos dados encontrados foram feitas análise e discussão com foco em vulnerabilidade como conceito bioético, além de conexões com discriminação e determinação social da saúde. Conclusão: os resultados apontam para a violação de direitos explicitados na Declaração Universal de Bioética e Direitos Humanos. Ao aumentar a disparidade da morbimortalidade por COVID-19 de grupos populacionais já impactados pela determinação social da saúde, constata-se uma violação do direito à saúde, indicando que governos e sociedades falham em respeitar a vulnerabilidade de grupos sociais no contexto pandêmico.

Objective: to analyze, from a bioethical perspective, social vulnerability in relation to health during the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study included peer-reviewed publications from January 1st until December 31st 2020, identified in Pubmed, SciELO and LILACS data basis. Mesh terms were utilized for research in Pubmed as follows: "COVID-19" conjugated with the terms: "vulnerable population", "population groups", "social determinants of health", "health equity". Portuguese and Spanish equivalents DECS terms were used for searching in the other two databases. Results: a total of 132 articles were found. After applied inclusion and exclusion criteria, were 21 eligible articles. The most recurrent themes were: racial, ethnic and social-economics, gender, age, disability and chronic health conditions. Articles addressing more than one theme were observed, integrating different aspects of vulnerable populations. A bioethical discussion with focus in vulnerability based in the data retrieved took place and connections with discrimination and social determinants of health were made. Conclusion: results point to the violation of rights explained in the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. By increasing the disparity in morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 of population groups already impacted by the social determination of health, there is a violation of the right to health, indicating that governments and societies fail to respect the vulnerability of social groups in the pandemic context.

Objetivo: analizar desde un punto de vista bioético, la vulnerabilidad social relacionada con la salud durante el contexto de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Metodología: se incluyeron publicaciones revisadas por pares del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2020, identificadas en las bases de datos Pubmed, SciELO y LILACS. Se utilizó el término MESH "COVID-19" para buscar en la base de datos Pubmed junto con los términos: "población vulnerable", "grupos de población", "determinantes sociales de la salud", "equidad en salud". Los descriptores DECS equivalentes en portugués y español de los términos MESH fueron utilizados en la búsqueda en las otras bases.Resultados: de un total de 132 artículos, tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se identificaron 21 artículos. Los temas más discutidos fueron: vulnerabilidades relacionadas con los adultos mayores, raza (énfasis en personas negras), minorías étnicas, condiciones socioeconómicas precarias, género femenino, personas con discapacidad y condiciones crónicas de salud. Se observaron artículos que abordaban más de un tema, integrando diferentes aspectos de las poblaciones vulnerables. A partir de los datos encontrados, se realizó análisis y discusión con foco en la vulnerabilidad como concepto bioético, así como las conexiones con la discriminación y la determinación social de la salud. Conclusión: los resultados apuntan a la violación de los derechos explícitos en la Declaración Universal de Bioética y Derechos Humanos. Al aumentar la disparidad en la morbimortalidad por COVID-19 de grupos poblacionales ya impactados por la determinación social de la salud, se vulnera el derecho a la salud, indicando que los gobiernos y las sociedades no respetan la vulnerabilidad de los grupos sociales ante la pandemia.

Health Law
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12937, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534073


The treatment of arterial hypertension (AH) contributes to the reduction of morbidity and mortality. Gender differences are likely to play a role, as non-treatment is associated with clinical and sociodemographic aspects. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors associated with non-treatment of AH and gender differences in hypertensive individuals from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. The study was conducted with 5,743 baseline hypertensive cohort participants. AH was considered if there was a previous diagnosis or if systolic blood pressure (SBP) was ≥140 and/or diastolic BP (DBP) was ≥90 mmHg. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data, lifestyle, comorbidities, and use of antihypertensive medications were evaluated through interviews and in-person measurements. Treatment with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi) or other antihypertensive medications and non-treatment were evaluated with multivariate logistic regression. Non-treatment was observed in 32.8% of hypertensive individuals. Of the 67.7% treated individuals, 41.1% received RAASi. Non-treatment was associated with alcohol consumption in women (OR=1.41; 95%CI: 1.15-1.73; P=0.001), lowest schooling level in men (OR=1.70; 95%CI: 1.32-2.19; P<0.001), and younger age groups in men and women (strongest association in males aged 35-44 years: OR=4.58, 95%CI: 3.17-6.6, P<0.001). Among those using RAASi, a higher proportion of white, older individuals, and with more comorbidities was observed. The high percentage of non-treatment, even in this civil servant population, indicated the need to improve the treatment cascade for AH. Public health policies should consider giving special attention to gender roles in groups at higher risk of non-treatment to reduce inequities related to AH in Brazil.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 51: e20243667, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535116


ABSTRACT The 35th Brazilian Congress of Surgery marked a turning point for surgical education in the country. For the first time, the Brazilian College of Surgeons included Global Surgery on the main congressional agenda, providing a unique opportunity to rethink how surgical skills are taught from a public health perspective. This discussion prompts us to consider why and how Global Surgery education should be expanded in Brazil. Although Brazilian researchers and institutions have contributed to the fields expansion since 2015, Global Surgery education initiatives are still incipient in our country. Relying on successful strategies can be a starting point to promote the area among national surgical practitioners. In this editorial, we discuss potential strategies to expand Global Surgery education opportunities and propose a series of recommendations at the national level.

RESUMO O 35º Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia foi marcado por discussões inovadoras para a educação cirúrgica no país. Pela primeira vez, o Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões incluiu a Cirurgia Global na pauta principal do congresso, proporcionando uma oportunidade única de repensar como as habilidades cirúrgicas são ensinadas a partir de uma perspectiva de saúde pública. Essa discussão nos leva a considerar por que e como o ensino da Cirurgia Global deve ser expandido no Brasil. Embora pesquisadores e instituições brasileiras tenham contribuído para a expansão do campo desde 2015, as iniciativas de educação em Cirurgia Global ainda são incipientes em nosso país. Basear-se em estratégias bem-sucedidas pode ser um ponto de partida para promover a área entre os profissionais de cirurgia nacionais. Neste editorial, discutimos potenciais estratégias para expandir as oportunidades de educação em Cirurgia Global e propomos uma série de recomendações a nível nacional.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550233


Introducción: la educación inclusiva constituye actualmente una preocupación para investigadores, docentes, organizaciones internacionales, regionales y nacionales, aunque la toma de conciencia sobre la necesidad de concretar escenarios escolares y sociales inclusivos, ha sido un proceso lento; a pesar de los ingentes esfuerzos de autores reconocidos, instituciones comprometidas y experiencias exitosas, no se generalizan sus resultados, de ahí las motivaciones para la realización de este estudio. Objetivo: actualizar concepciones teóricas sobre la educación inclusiva y su incidencia en un modelo educativo inclusivo contemporáneo. Métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura disponible en sitios web y revistas especializadas, así como artículos compartidos en redes sociales académicas y públicas durante los últimos cinco años, en español e inglés. Se realizó la revisión detallada de autores y la actualización de las referencias bibliográficas utilizadas. Resultados: la educación inclusiva necesita una relación con la propia familia, con una escuela que integre e incluya para lograr una sociedad, un estado y gobierno que no solo vean a su población por lo que les separa y diferencia, sino por lo que les une en la diversidad, mediante aulas inclusivas y un currículo moderno. Conclusiones: ante los retos que se le imponen a la educación frente al panorama mundial, caracterizado por la exclusión social de índole diversa, entre ellos, la desmotivación con los currículos que se ofrecen a los estudiantes, los sistemas educativos se enfrentan a una urgencia: ofrecer una educación de calidad e inclusiva, en atención a la diversidad.

Introduction: inclusive education is currently a concern for researchers, teachers, international, regional, and national organizations, although raising awareness about the need to create inclusive school and social scenarios has been a slow process; despite the enormous efforts of recognized authors, committed institutions and successful experiences, their results are not generalized, hence the motivations for carrying out this study. Objective: update theoretical conceptions about inclusive education and its impact on a contemporary inclusive educational model. Methods: a systematic review of the literature available on websites and specialized journals, as well as articles shared on academic and public social networks over the last five years, in Spanish and English, was carried out. A detailed review of authors and updating of the bibliographic references used was carried out. Results: inclusive education needs a relationship with one's own family, with a school that integrates and includes to achieve a society, a state and government that not only see its population, so it separates and differentiates them, but even though it unites them in diversity, through inclusive classrooms and a modern curriculum. Conclusions: according to the challenges imposed on education in front of the global panorama, characterized by social exclusion of various kinds, including demotivation with the curricula offered to students, educational systems face an urgency: offer quality and inclusive education, in attention to diversity.

Social Inclusion , Social Isolation , Curriculum , Equity
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e02222023, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528363


Resumo Com o objetivo de descrever a gênese de propostas para a saúde da população de LGBT na Bahia, foi realizado um estudo sócio histórico entre 1979 e 2014. Adotou-se as proposições de Patrice Pinell para a análise sociológica de políticas públicas. A análise do espaço social compreendeu a identificação das trajetórias dos agentes envolvidos com as propostas no estado da Bahia e as relações entre esses agentes e o espaço social nacional, assim como, o campo do poder do Estado. Na Bahia, destacaram-se agentes com trajetórias vinculadas ao campo científico, dos direitos humanos, dos direitos sexuais, do feminismo e do espaço AIDS, com alto capital burocrático e militante, que propiciou aproximação às questões relacionadas a saúde LGBT local. As condições de possibilidade que permitiram a formulação de propostas políticas baseadas na integralidade e na universalidade da atenção à saúde foram a formalização do Comitê Técnico Estadual de Saúde Integral LGBT da Bahia, em 2014, onde buscou-se ampliar a Atenção Integral à Saúde voltada às populações de maior vulnerabilidade; e o Plano Bahia sem homofobia, que permitiu ampliar o diálogo com a sociedade civil e os movimentos sociais e abarcar as principais críticas para a formulação de propostas políticas.

Abstract We conducted a socio-historical study covering the period 1979-2014 to explore the genesis of LGBT health policy in Bahia, Brazil, drawing on Pinell's theoretical framework for the sociological analysis of public policy. To analyze the social space, we investigated the trajectories of the agents involved in policy formulation and the relations between these agents and the national social space and field of State power. The agents were predominantly from the scientific, human rights, sexual rights, feminism and AIDS fields, and had a high level of bureaucratic and militant capital, meaning they were well-versed in LGBT health issues. The historical conditions of possibility underlying the formulation of LGBT health policy included the formalization of the State Technical Committee on LGBT Health in 2014, in an effort to improve access to comprehensive health care for vulnerable groups; and the Bahia without Homophobia plan, which helped expand dialogue around with civil society and social movements and address the main criticisms of policy making.

Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 24(1): 96-109, 20240000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1532773


En Colombia, el Decreto 1421 de 2017 reconoce a la familia como actor esencial en la participación efectiva del estudiantado con discapacidad. Se ofrece una reflexión sobre las barreras que las familias enfrentan al tratar de cumplir con las obligaciones enunciadas en esta normativa, y se proponen estrategias para incrementar su involucramiento. Las barreras actitudinales, físicas, comunicativas y sociales que afrontan las familias dificultan el éxito escolar de niños, niñas y adolescentes con discapacidad. Asimismo, el escaso reconocimiento de la diversidad lingüística, la geografía y el conflicto armado minimizan la presencia de estudiantes con discapacidad y sus familias en entornos escolares de algunas regiones del país. De otra parte, el enfoque unidireccional y centrado en las limitaciones del estudiante dificulta la participación y cumplimiento de las obligaciones escolares en algunos es-tablecimientos educativos. La generación de políticas con enfoque territorial que visibilicen las necesidades regionales y promuevan las diferencias lingüísticas y culturales, así como la toma de conciencia, el acompañamiento psicosocial, el trabajo colaborativo y la generación de espacios de empoderamiento, desde una perspectiva de derechos, pueden favorecer el rol de las familias para el logro de la inclusión y la equidad en la educación.

In Colombia, Decree 1421 of 2017 recognizes the family as a fundamental stakeholder in facilitating the meaningful participation of students with disabilities. This article offers insightful considerations regarding the challenges families face in fulfilling the obligations outlined by this regulation, and several strategies to enhance their engagement. The attitudinal, physical, communicative, and social barriers they encounter significantly impede children and adolescents with disabilities' academic success. In specific regions of the country, poor recognition of linguistic diversity, geography and armed conflict minimize the presence of students with disabilities and their families in school settings. Furthermore, the unidirectional approach focused on the student's limitations makes participating and fulfilling school obligations in some educational establishments difficult. The creation of territorial-focused policies that bring regional needs to the forefront and promote linguistic differences, coupled with fostering awareness, psychosocial support, collaborative work, and the development of empowering spaces from a rights-based perspective, may favor the role of families in achieving inclusion and equity in education

Na Colômbia, o Decreto 1421 do 2017 reconhece a família como ator essencial na participação efetiva de estudantes com deficiência. Este artigo oferece uma reflexão sobre as barreiras que as famílias enfrentam no cumprimento das obrigações estabelecidas por esta normativa e propõe algumas estratégias para aumentar sua participação. As barreiras atitudinais, físicas, comunicativas e sociais que as famílias enfrentam dificultam o sucesso escolar de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência. Em algumas regiões, a falta de reconhecimen-to da diversidade linguística, a geografia e o conflito armado minimizam a presença de estudantes com deficiência e suas famílias nos ambientes esco-lares. Por outro lado, a perspectiva unidirecional, focada nas limitações dos estudantes, dificulta a participação e o cumprimento das obrigações escolares em algumas instituições educacionais. A geração de políticas com enfoque te-rritorial, que visibilizem as necessidades regionais e promovam as diferenças linguísticas, bem como a conscientização, o acompanhamento psicossocial, o trabalho colaborativo e a geração de espaços de empoderamento, desde uma perspectiva de direitos, podem favorecer o papel das famílias para alcançar a inclusão e a equidade na educação.

Archiv. med. fam. gen. (En línea) ; 20(3): 4-18, nov. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524241


INTRODUCCION: Nuestra región, y Argentina, se encuentra atravesando un momento de rápido envejecimiento demográfico. Se trata de un proceso contextualizado social e históricamente de representaciones, estereotipos y significados particulares. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo describir y analizar las posibles articulaciones entre la perspectiva de salud integral, redes en salud y los cuidados a y entre personas adultas mayores a partir de la experiencia de trabajo en el CEPRAM (Centro de Promoción del Adulto Mayor) en el que las mujeres ocupan un rol central. MÉTODOS: Investigación cualitativa interaccionista con entrevistas sobre experiencias y significados. RESULTADOS: Refieren mejoras en su autoestima, flexibilidad, apertura y escucha como reconocimiento del otro/a. La cantidad y la calidad de cobertura en servicios de cuidados recae mayoritariamente sobre las familias y especialmente, sobre las mujeres y disidencias, perpetuando la desigualdad de género en la distribución de tareas, las condiciones en que se llega y transita la vejez. Ellas vieron este espacio como uno de cuidados, dando sustento a formas más integrales de entenderlos como eje de la salud. CONCLUSIONES: CEPRAM logró captar y solucionar necesidades ­socioafectivas­ de mujeres mayores, insatisfechas y no atendidas por el Estado. Promueve la autonomía relacional donde la participación y la construcción de redes basadas en los vínculos, fundamentales para su salud integral. Los entornos extrahospitalarios como oportunidad de acercamiento al sistema de salud, deben resolver necesidades de cuidado con perspectiva de envejecimiento saludable, fomentando la habilidad funcional, así como los atributos relacionados con el proceso diferenciado por género y salud que permiten a la persona ser y hacer (AU)

INTRODUCTION: Our region, and Argentina, is going through a period of rapid demographic aging. It is a socially and historically contextualized process of representations, stereotypes and particular meanings. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze the possible articulations between the integral health perspective, health networks and care for and among older adults based on the experience of working in the CEPRAM (Center for the Promotion of Older Adults) in which women play a central role. METHODS: Qualitative interactionist research with interviews on experiences and meanings. RESULTS: They report improvements in their self-esteem, flexibility, openness and listening as recognition of the other. The quantity and quality of coverage in care services falls mostly on families and especially on women and dissidents, perpetuating gender inequality in the distribution of tasks, the conditions in which old age arrives and passes. Women saw this space as one of care, giving support to more comprehensive ways of understanding it as the axis of health. CONCLUSIONS: CEPRAM was able to capture and solve the social and emotional needs of older women, unsatisfied and unmet by the State. It promotes relational autonomy where participation and the construction of networks based on bonds are fundamental for their integral health. The out-of-hospital environments as an opportunity to approach the health system, should solve care needs with a healthy aging perspective, promoting functional ability, as well as the attributes related to the process differentiated by gender and health that allow the person to be and to do (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Health of the Elderly , Comprehensive Health Care , Community Networks , Adult Day Care Centers , Argentina
Acta bioeth ; 29(2)oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519849


This study addresses the issue of equity in health and justice from the perspective of public health bioethics, describing the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), equating legitimate interests for essential goods, such as health. The conception of John Rawls' theory of justice is "justice as fairness" and has a seventeenth century contractualism tenor. Although it was not conceived specifically for health and marked by the "difference principle", it promoted, in the field of health care, the institution of health systems created on the basis of universal access and equity in the distribution of scarce resources. The principles of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) guarantee access to all levels of care, equality in health care, without distinctions or privileges of any kind, integrity in health care, free of charge, community participation and decentralization, regionalization and hierarchization of health actions and services, which gives the SUS a strong Rawlsian bias. The Brazilian model was built on the principle that health is a right of all and a duty of the State, therefore, it is based on the assumption of universal and equal access to health actions and services for its promotion and recovery.

Este estudio aborda el tema equidad en salud y justicia desde la perspectiva de la bioética de la salud pública, describiendo el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) brasileño, equiparando intereses legítimos por los bienes esenciales, como la salud. La concepción de la teoría de justicia de John Rawls es la "justicia como equidad" y tiene un tenor de contractualismo del siglo XVII. Aunque no fue concebida específicamente para la salud y marcada por el "principio de la diferencia", impulsó, en el ámbito de la atención sanitaria, la institución de sistemas de salud creados sobre la base del acceso universal y la equidad en la distribución de recursos escasos. Los principios del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) brasileño garantizan el acceso para todos los niveles asistenciales, igualdad en la atención a la salud, sin distinciones ni privilegios de ningún tipo, integridad en la asistencia a la salud, gratuidad, participación comunitaria y una descentralización, regionalización y jerarquización de las acciones y servicios de salud, lo que da al SUS un fuerte sesgo rawlsiano. El modelo brasileño se construyó sobre el principio de que la salud es un derecho de todos y un deber del Estado, por lo tanto, se basa en el supuesto del acceso universal e igualitario a las acciones y servicios de salud para su promoción y recuperación.

Este estudo aborda a questão da equidade em saúde e da justiça sob a perspectiva da bioética da saúde pública, descrevendo o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), equiparando interesses legítimos para bens essenciais, como a saúde. A concepção da teoria da justiça de John Rawls é "justiça como equidade" e tem um teor contratualista do século XVII. Embora não tenha sido concebida especificamente para a saúde e marcada pelo "princípio da diferença", ela promoveu, no campo da assistência à saúde, a instituição de sistemas de saúde criados com base no acesso universal e na equidade na distribuição de recursos escassos. Os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) garantem o acesso a todos os níveis de atenção, a igualdade na assistência à saúde, sem distinções ou privilégios de qualquer espécie, a integralidade na assistência à saúde, a gratuidade, a participação da comunidade e a descentralização, regionalização e hierarquização das ações e serviços de saúde, o que confere ao SUS um forte viés rawlsiano. O modelo brasileiro foi construído com base no princípio de que a saúde é um direito de todos e um dever do Estado, portanto, parte do pressuposto do acesso universal e igualitário às ações e serviços de saúde para sua promoção e recuperação.

Saúde debate ; 47(139): 957-977, out.-dez. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522973


RESUMO A noção de equidade em saúde se manifesta nas sociedades modernas por meio de diferentes ideias e propostas operacionais. No que diz respeito às pessoas em situação de rua, a equidade dialoga com a igualdade e a justiça para mobilizar diversas aplicações na saúde: enquanto a concepção liberal de equidade em saúde busca favorecer as condições de saúde dessa população sem romper com o modo de produção vigente, a concepção crítica almeja ampliar as condições e as necessidades de saúde na luta por uma sociedade emancipada. Com o objetivo de caracterizar as concepções de equidade em saúde expressas na literatura científica sobre essa população, este estudo realizou uma revisão crítica dos artigos disponíveis em portais de busca on-line. 1.716 publicações foram identificadas na amostragem inicial e 35 artigos foram incluídos na revisão após aplicação de procedimentos metodológicos. Os artigos foram caracterizados com relação às ideias e aplicações da equidade em saúde para a população em situação de rua, discutindo-se a respeito de metodologia, justiça e igualdade, distinção entre as concepções, processo saúde-doença, políticas públicas e pandemia da Covid-19. Aponta-se para a dominância da concepção liberal na literatura sobre essa população e a necessidade de investigações a partir da concepção crítica.

ABSTRACT The notion of equity in health manifests itself in modern societies through different ideas and operational proposals. Concerning homeless persons, equity dialogues with equality and justice to mobilize several applications in health: while the liberal conception of equity in health seeks to favor the health conditions of this population without breaking with the current mode of production, the critical conception aims to expand health conditions and needs in the struggle for an emancipated society. With the aim of characterizing the conceptions of equity in health expressed in the scientific literature on this population, this study carried out a critical review of the articles available on online search portals databases. 1,716 publications were identified in the initial sample and 35 articles were included in the review after application of methodological procedures. The articles were characterized in relation to the ideas and applications of equity in health for the homeless population, discussing methodology, justice and equality, distinction between conceptions, health-disease process, public policies and the COVID-19 pandemic. It points to the dominance of the liberal conception in the literature on this population and the need for investigations from the critical conception.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221883


The development of chronic kidney disease and its progression to End Stage Renal Disease requiring renal replacement therapy remains a significant source of reduced quality of life and premature mortality. The global dialysis population and treatment gap is growing, especially in low- and middle- income countries. In India, 70% of those starting dialysis, die or discontinue treatment in the initial period due to the high cost of treatment and lack of access to dialysis therapy. Achieving health equity requires ensuring access to the resources that needs to be healthy, and addressing social determinants of health involves needs factors that influence the health outcomes. Universal Health Coverage requires an alternate model to address the substantial Out-Of-Pocket-Expenditure borne by these patients for traveling and medications.

Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536838


Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre Determinantes Sociales de la Salud (DSS) y discriminación en niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes a partir de la información disponible en la literatura científica. Método: Revisión narrativa de estudios primarios publicados entre 2008 y 2021 en las bases de datos PubMed y Web of Science. Se utilizaron los descriptores "Psychological/Social Discrimination", "Racism", "Social Stigma", "Social Determinants of Health", "Public Health", "Health Equity", "Transients and Migrants", "Refugees", "Emigrants and Immigrants", "Undocumented Immigrants", "Child", "Adolescent", "Child, "Preschool". Los operadores booleanos utilizados fueron AND y OR. Se incluyeron artículos observacionales (analíticos o descriptivos) que evaluaran la relación entre discriminación racial y DSS, publicados en inglés o español. La población de estudio fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes. La selección de artículos se realizó siguiendo las recomendaciones PRISMA. La calidad de la evidencia fue evaluada mediante la herramienta MMAT. Resultados: De un total de 1249 artículos identificados, se incluyeron 55. La mayor cantidad de artículos identificó el efecto de la relación entre discriminación racial y migración en ámbitos de salud mental negativa. Fue escasa la evidencia respecto de determinantes estructurales, sin embargo, destaca la relación entre discriminación racial y el efecto moderador de la familia y la escuela. Conclusiones: Analizar la discriminación racial que perciben niños y niñas migrantes mediante un enfoque de DSS permite identificar áreas sensibles al desarrollo estrategias de reducción de inequidades en este grupo.

Objective: To analyze the relationship between Social Determinants of Health (SDH) and racial discrimination in migrant children and adolescents, based on the information available in the scientific literature. Method: Narrative review of primary studies published between 2008 and 2021 in PubMed and Web of Science databases. The descriptors "Psychological/Social Discrimination", "Racism", "Social Stigma", "Social Determinants of Health", "Public Health", "Health Equity", "Transients and Migrants", "Refugees", "Emigrants and Immigrants", "Undocumented Immigrants", "Child", "Adolescent", "Child", "Preschool" were using. The Boolean operators used were AND OR. We included observational articles (analytical or descriptive) that evaluated the relationship between racial discrimination and SDH, published in English or Spanish. The study population was children and adolescents. We select articles following the PRISMA recommendations. The evaluation of the quality of the evidence was made using MMAT. Results: Of a total of 1249 articles identified, 55 articles were included. The most significant number of articles identified the relationship between racial discrimination and migration on adverse mental health outcomes. Evidence regarding structural determinants was scarce; however, the relationship between racial discrimination and the moderating effect of family and school stands out. Conclusions: Analyzing racial discrimination as perceived by migrant children through a DSS approach allows us to identify sensitive areas to develop strategies to reduce inequities in this group.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(4): 1087-1100, abr. 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430158


Resumo O objetivo foi analisar os fatores associados ao uso dos serviços odontológicos no Brasil. A estratégia de revisão incluiu as bases PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, BBO, EMBASE, Scopus, WOS e Google Scholar, além de repositórios e bancos de dissertações e teses. Os estudos foram selecionados ​​usando a estratégia PEO (população/exposição/desfechos). O desfecho deste estudo foi o uso dos serviços odontológicos no último ano pela população brasileira, tratado como variáveis dicotômicas para as análises: ≤ 1 ano e > 1 ano. Foi realizada uma metanálise de efeito randômico de Mantel-Haenszel, estimando-se razões de prevalência (RP) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%). Foram selecionados 94 estudos. A maioria (98%) tinha delineamento transversal, sendo 63% oriundos de dados primários. Para a metanálise, 25 estudos foram incluídos. O uso dos serviços odontológicos no último ano esteve associado com maior escolaridade (≥ 8 anos de estudo) (RP = 0,49, (IC95%: 0,39-0,60)); maior renda familiar (≥ 2 salários-mínimos) (RP = 0,79, (IC95%: 0,74-0,84)); e residir na zona urbana (RP = 0,79, (IC95%: 0,64-0,97)). A oferta de serviços odontológicos no Sistema Único de Saúde precisa ser ampliada entre pessoas com menor renda, menor escolaridade e moradores da zona rural.

Abstract The scope of this study was to analyze the factors associated with the use of dental services in Brazil. The review strategy included PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, BBO, EMBASE, Scopus, WOS and Google Scholar databases, in addition to repositories and databases of dissertations and theses. Studies were selected using the PEO (Population/Exposure/Outcomes) strategy. The outcome of this study was the use of dental services in the last year by the Brazilian population, treated as dichotomous variables for the following analyses: ≤ 1 year and > 1 year. Mantel-Haenszel random effect meta-analysis was performed, estimating Prevalence Ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). A total of 94 studies were selected. The majority (98%) had a cross-sectional design, with 63% derived from primary data. For the meta-analysis, 25 studies were included. The use of oral health services in the last year was associated with higher education (≥ 8 years of schooling) (PR = 0.49, (95%CI: 0.39-0.60)); higher family income (≥ 2 minimum wages) (RP = 0.79, (95%CI: 0.74-0.84)); and living in urban areas (RP = 0.79, (95%CI: 0.64-0.97)). The availability of dental services in the Unified Health System needs to be made readily accessible to people with lower income, less education and those living in rural areas.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Mar; 8(1): 42-45
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222722


Throughout the post-independence period, the state of Tamil Nadu has consistently performed better than most other states in several major healthcare indicators, including infant mortality rate and total fertility rate. At the same time, it has received praise for the deep penetration and robust functioning of its public health system. Tamil Nadu’s achievements in healthcare have been analysed in a number of scholarly studies in the past, and a recent book by Kalaiyarasan A and Vijayabaskar M, titled “The Dravidian Model: Interpreting the Political Economy of Tamil Nadu,” is the latest addition to this literature. The authors argue that the state’s uniqueness in human and social development primarily originates in the egalitarian politics and radical social movements of the early twentieth century which constituted a “Dravidian common-sense” that has since “shaped the development trajectory of the state.” Their arguments on the significance of egalitarian politics in improvements in health and wellbeing receive ample support from existing social sciences literature on health, equity, and justice.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220718


Education of Scheduled Tribes is of particular importance in the perspective of country planning and resource development as it is one of the primary agents of change towards development and determines employment prospects. Lack of education of Tribal students is a major concern, as they lag behind their socio-economic, cultural and educational background. The investigator in current tries to investigate the social- economic and personal barriers faced by tribal students in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir with respect to gender. The information related problems is obtained through the self-constructed questionnaire, scheduled tribe secondary school students are the participant for the present study. The study depicted a noteworthy variance among the male and female students; female scheduled tribe's students have faced more Social, Economic and Personal problems as compare to their male counterparts

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 49(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441854


Introducción: Los adultos mayores tienen problemas de salud propios y condiciones socioeconómicas que les afectan directamente. La identificación de dichos determinantes permite realizar adecuadas intervenciones. Objetivo: Estimar las desigualdades socioeconómicas y la salud de los adultos mayores en Perú. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, utilizando como fuente secundaria la Encuesta Demografía y de Salud Familiar 2014 y 2019. Resultados: La muestra de adultos mayores durante los años 2014 y 2019 fue de 4703 y 6112, respectivamente. La mayoría estaba entre los 60 a 70 años de edad (representando el 57 por ciento el año 2014 y el 57,2 por ciento el año 2019), tenían educación primaria (45,9 por ciento y 40,4 por ciento), sin nivel educativo (18,1 por ciento y 13,8 por ciento, estado civil casado (52,4 por ciento 45,2 por ciento), área de residencia urbana (71,3 por ciento y 77,5 por ciento), pertenecían al quintil extremadamente pobre y pobre (38,8 por ciento y 38,1 por ciento) y tenían algún seguro de salud (75 por ciento y 83,1 por ciento). Para los años 2014 y 2019 la proporción de adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial fue de 39,1 por ciento y 37,7 por ciento, con diabetes mellitus 8,2 por ciento y 11,3 por ciento y con obesidad (Índice de Masa Corporal- IMC > = 30) 13,2 por ciento y 15 por ciento, respectivamente. Entre los adultos mayores encuestados con diabetes mellitus se presentó un incremento de la población urbana en el año 2019 con diferencia significativa (p < 0,05) con respecto al año 2014. Conclusiones: La equidad y las desigualdades son determinantes para que existan poblaciones más vulnerables que otras a nivel social, económico y de salud, principalmente en los adultos mayores(AU)

Introduction: Older adults have their own health problems and socio-economic conditions that affect them directly. The identification of these determinants allows for appropriate interventions. Objective: To estimate socioeconomic inequalities and the health of older adults in Peru. Methods: An observational study was conducted, using the 2014 and 2019 Demographic and Family Health Survey as a secondary source. Results: The sample of older adults during the years 2014 and 2019 was 4703 and 6112, respectively. The majority were between 60 and 70 years of age (representing 57percent in 2014 and 57.2percent in 2019), had primary education (45.9percent and 40.4percent), no education (18.1percent and 13.8percent), married as marital status (52.4percent and 45.2percent), urban area of residence (71.3percent and 77.5percent), belonged to the extremely poor and poor quintile (38.8percent and 38.1percent) and had some health insurance (75percent and 83.1percent). For the years 2014 and 2019, the proportion of older adults with hypertension was 39.1percent and 37.7percentith diabetes mellitus 8.2percent and 11.3percentnd with obesity (Body Mass Index- BMI >=30) 13.2percent and 15percent, respectively. Among the older adults surveyed with diabetes mellitus, there was an increase in the urban population in 2019 with a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to 2014. Conclusions: Equity and inequalities are determinants for the existence of populations that are more vulnerable than others at the social, economic and health levels, especially in older adults(AU)

Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Socioeconomic Factors , Health Equity , Peru , Observational Study
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(3): 897-907, Mar. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421188


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é identificar fatores determinantes das disparidades das condições sociais na saúde de idosos não institucionalizados na cidade de São Paulo, sob a perspectiva da autodeclaração da cor da pele. Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 1.017 idosos participantes do "Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo 2015". A análise utilizou modelos de regressão de Poisson brutas e ajustadas, relatando a razão de prevalências e seus intervalos de 95% de confiança como medida de associação entre as variáveis. Na análise ajustada, a cor da pele parda e preta associou-se, positivamente, com a pior escolaridade, a autoavaliação do estado de saúde negativa, o plano de saúde e o acesso ao serviço de saúde público. De um lado, a cor da pele preta perdeu a associação com a pior renda, no entanto, associou-se com a hipertensão arterial. De outro lado, a cor da pele parda não se associou com a hipertensão arterial, mas com a renda baixa. Idosos pretos e pardos tiveram menos acesso a recursos socioeconômicos, às piores condições de saúde e, também, a serviços de saúde privados. Esses resultados são compatíveis com a hipótese de racismo estrutural na sociedade paulistana e podem instruir políticas sociais na saúde dirigidas à promoção de saúde e justiça social.

Abstract The scope of this study is to identify determining factors of disparities in social conditions in the health of non-institutionalized elderly people in the city of São Paulo, from the standpoint of self-declaration of skin color. It is a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 1,017 elderly participants in the "2015 Health Survey of the Municipality of São Paulo". The analysis used crude and adjusted Poisson regression models, reporting the prevalence ratio and 95% confidence intervals as a measure of association between the variables. In the adjusted analysis, brown and black skin color was positively associated with worse schooling, negative self-assessment of health status, health insurance and access to public health services. On the one hand, black skin color was no longer associated with the lowest income, however, it was associated with arterial hypertension. On the other hand, brown skin color was associated with low income, but not with arterial hypertension. Elderly black and brown people had worse health conditions, less access to private health services and socioeconomic resources. These results are compatible with the hypothesis of structural racism in São Paulo's society and may inform social health policies aimed at promoting health and social justice.

Medwave ; 23(1): e2627, 28-02-2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419085


Introducción Las actividades de investigación tienen un impacto positivo en el rendimiento de los médicos residentes. Falta información sobre investigaciones desarrolladas por residentes de países en vías de desarrollo. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar las barreras y facilitadores para la investigación en programas de residencia en una Facultad de Medicina de América Latina. Métodos Se llevó a cabo un diseño de estudio de metodología mixta. Utilizamos un enfoque de teoría fundamentada para la fase cualitativa, recopilando los datos a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales con profesores y residentes. Para la fase cuantitativa, se administraron encuestas a residentes y profesores. Para evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de las encuestas utilizamos análisis factorial y scree plot (validez); alfa de Cronbach y coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase (confiabilidad). Resultados Se realizaron grupos focales que incluyeron diez profesores y quince residentes, y se identificaron los siguientes dominios: a) facilitadores para la participación de los residentes, b) barreras, c) estrategias para introducir la investigación en el currículo, d) argumentos que respaldan las actividades de investigación durante la residencia, y e) perfil de los residentes motivados en la investigación. Tanto los residentes como el profesorado identificaron la falta de tiempo protegido y la ausencia de tutoría adecuada como las principales barreras. Se encontró una brecha de género relacionada con las publicaciones internacionales (34% vs 66% mujeres/hombres), las mujeres percibieron que las actividades de investigación 'compiten con otras actividades' (OR: 2.04, IC 95% 1.03 a 4.07). Conclusiones Los residentes y profesores de una universidad latinoamericana de alta productividad valoran mucho la investigación. La presencia de brecha de género, la falta de tiempo protegido y de tutorías destacan como las principales barreras. Las estrategias propuestas para mejorar la investigación dentro de los programas de residencia son: establecer un programa de tutoría interdisciplinario entre residentes e investigadores; promover las rotaciones electivas; y premiar propuestas que consideren la equidad de género.

Introduction Research activities have a positive impact on the performance of residents. However, information on research conducted by residents from developing countries is scarce. Our study sought to identify the barriers and facilitators for developing research in medical residency programs in a Latin-American faculty of medicine. Methods A mixed methodology study design was carried out. We used a grounded theory approach for the qualitative phase, collecting data through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with faculty and residents. For the quantitative phase, surveys were administered to residents and teachers. We used factor analysis and scree plot (validity), Cronbach's alpha, and Intraclass correlation coefficient (reliability) to evaluate the surveys' psychometric properties. Results Focus groups involving ten faculty members and 15 residents were conducted, and the following domains were identified: a) facilitators for resident participation, b) barriers, c) strategies for introducing research into the curriculum, d) arguments supporting research activities throughout medical residency, and e) profile of research-motivated residents. Both residents and faculty members identified a lack of protected time and adequate mentoring as the major barriers. A gender gap was found related to international publications (34% vs. 66% women/men); women perceived that research activities 'compete with other activities' (OR: 2.04, 95% CI 1.03 to 4.07). Conclusions Research is highly valued by both residents and faculty members at a Latin-American university with a strong academic output. Major barriers to promoting research in this context include lack of protected time and effective mentoring, and gender gaps. Strategies proposed to improve research within medical residency programs include: establishing an interdisciplinary mentoring program between residents and researchers, promoting elective rotations, and rewarding proposals that consider gender equity.

REME rev. min. enferm ; 27: 1523, jan.-2023. Fig., Tab.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1523653


Objetivo: descrever uma experiência de processo de aprendizagem sobre equidade, para reflexão sobre a prática social da Enfermagem. Método: relato de experiência, no qual se adotou a metodologia da problematização, com uso do procedimento do Arco de Maguerez, auxiliado por tecnologias digitais colaborativas e com múltiplas funcionalidades, via E-learning, que foi realizada entre agosto e dezembro de 2020, por uma universidade pública da região Norte do país. A experiência foi vinculada a uma atividade curricular intitulada "Exercício de Enfermagem" e contou com as participações de 36 alunos de graduação, 1 aluno de pós-graduação e 1 professor. O aporte teórico foi desenvolvido, via contribuições da Teoria da Atividade. Resultados: as estratégias mediadoras subsidiaram o aprendizado sobre práticas sociais, considerando as cinco etapas do Arco de Maguerez, explorando conceitos, determinantes estruturais e iniquidades em saúde e contextos macrossocial e microinstitucional, sinalizados por definições intermediárias em saúde a partir dos seguintes eixos temáticos: desigualdade, renda, racismo, assédio no SUS e vulnerabilidades. Os constructos sobre equidade e sobre vulnerabilidades sociais foram alinhados a estratégias de aprendizagem para avaliação formativa e somativas, considerando estudo de caso real escolhido pelo discente, as características da disciplina e os seus objetivos. Conclusão: a experiência oportunizou a discussão sobre equidade, por meio do protagonismo dos alunos e a inclusão de realidades e peculiaridades regionais, de modo crítico e reflexivo, sobre o papel social da Enfermagem em contextos de vulnerabilidade, embasando argumentações sobre transformações da sociedade e do sistema de saúde.(AU)

Objective: To describe an experience of the learning process about equity, for reflection on the social practice of Nursing. Method: Experience report, in which the problematization methodology was adopted, using the Maguerez Arch procedure, aided by collaborative digital technologies with multiple functionalities, via E-learning, which was carried out between August and December 2020, in a public university in the North region of the country. The experience was associated with a curricular activity entitled "Nursing Exercise" and had the participation of 36 undergraduate students, one graduate student and one teacher. The theoretical support was developed, via contributions from the Activity Theory. Results: The mediating strategies supported learning about social practices, considering the five steps of the Maguerez Arch, exploring concepts, structural determinants and inequities in health and macrosocial and micro-institutional contexts, signaled by intermediate definitions in health based on the following thematic axes: inequality, income, racism, harassment in the SUS and vulnerabilities. The constructs on equity and on social vulnerabilities were aligned with learning strategies for formative and summative evoluation, considering a real case study chosen by the student, the characteristics of the discipline and its objectives. Conclusion: The experience provided an opportunity to discuss equity, through the protagonism of students and the inclusion of realities and regional peculiarities, in a critical and reflective way, on the social role of Nursing in contexts of vulnerability, supporting arguments about transformations in society and the health system.(AU)

Objetivo: describir una experiencia de un proceso de aprendizaje sobre equidad, para la reflexión sobre la práctica social de Enfermería. Método: relato de experiencia, en la cual se adoptó la metodología de problematización, utilizando el procedimiento del Arco de Maguerez, auxiliado por tecnologías digitales colaborativas y con múltiples funcionalidades, vía E-learning, que fue realizada entre agosto y diciembre de 2020, en una universidad pública de la Región Norte del país. La experiencia estuvo vinculada a una actividad curricular, bajo el título de Ejercicio de Enfermería, y contó con la participación de 36 estudiantes de pregrado, uno de posgrado y un profesor. El marco teórico se desarrolló a partir de aportes de la Teoría de la Actividad. Resultados: las estrategias mediadoras subsidiaron el aprendizaje sobre prácticas sociales, considerando las cinco etapas del Arco de Maguerez explorando conceptos, determinantes estructurales e inequidades en salud y contextos macro-sociales y micro-institucionales señalados por definiciones intermedias en salud, a partir de los ejes temáticos desigualdad, renta, racismo, acoso en el SUS y vulnerabilidades. Las construcciones sobre ...(AU)

Humans , Education, Distance/methods , Education, Nursing , Socioeconomic Factors , Universities , Health Strategies , Digital Technology/education
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(1): 107-107, jan. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421130


Resumo A equidade horizontal no uso de cuidados de saúde requer igual uso para igual necessidade, independentemente de outros fatores - predisponentes ou de capacitação (modelo de Andersen). O objetivo é avaliar a equidade no uso de consultas médicas em Portugal em 2019, comparando os resultados com os obtidos em estudo anterior, com dados de 2014. Os dados vêm do Inquérito Nacional de Saúde 2019. O uso de cuidados é medido pelo número de consultas. Para avaliar as determinantes da utilização, adota-se o modelo binomial negativo. Para quantificar a desigualdade/iniquidade relacionada com o rendimento, calcula-se o índice de concentração. Face a 2014, os efeitos do estado de saúde autoavaliado, limitação nas atividades diárias e problema de saúde prolongado são mais pronunciados e, a região, rendimento, tipo de agregado e estado civil são significativos, nas consultas de medicina geral e familiar. Nas outras consultas, o seguro perdeu significância estatística e o efeito educação foi atenuado, mas emergiu um efeito rendimento. O índice de iniquidade não é significativo nas consultas de medicina geral e familiar, como em 2014, mas o valor (significativo) desse índice aumentou para as consultas de outras especialidades.

Abstract Horizontal equity in the use of healthcare implies equal use for equal needs, regardless of other factors - be they predisposing or enabling (Andersen's model). This study aimed to assess equity in the use of doctor's appointments in Portugal in 2019, comparing the results with those obtained in a previous study, based on data from 2014. Data were retrieved from the Health Interview Survey 2019 (HIS 2019). Healthcare is measured by the number of doctor's appointments. Our study adopted the Negative Binomial Model to assess the factors affecting use. The concentration index was calculated to quantify income-related inequality/inequity. Compared to 2014, the effects of self-assessed health, limitations in daily living activities, and longstanding illnesses are more pronounced, and the region, income, household type and marital status are significant for appointments scheduled with a General Practitioner. In the case of appointments with specialists, health insurance lost statistical significance and the effect of education dropped; however, income became significant. The inequity index is not significant for appointments scheduled with a General Practitioner, as in 2014, but the (significant) value of this index increased for appointments with other specialists.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 267-270, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965496


Objective @#To investigate equity of resource allocation in ophthalmology departments of medical institutions in Shenzhen City, so as to provide insights into the optimization of resource allocation in ophthalmology departments in Shenzhen City.@* Methods @#The numbers of beds and ophthalmologists in ophthalmology departments of medical institutions in Shenzhen City were collected through the Shenzhen Health Statistical Yearbook 2019. The distribution of resources and equity of resource allocation were evaluated in ophthalmology departments of Shenzhen City using Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient.@* Results @#There were 5.95 beds and 4.62 ophthalmologists in ophthalmology departments per 100 000 permanent residents in Shenzhen City in 2019. There were 13.35 beds and 9.51 ophthalmologists in ophthalmology departments per 100 000 permanent residents within the former special zone (Luohu, Futian, Nanshan and Yantian districts), and 2.17 beds and 2.13 ophthalmologists in ophthalmology departments per 100 000 permanent residents outside the former special zone (Guangming, Baoan, Longhua, Longgang, Pingshan districts and Dapeng New Area). The Gini coefficients of beds and ophthalmologists in ophthalmology departments were 0.348 and 0.243 by permanent residents in Shenzhen City, 0.386 and 0.386 within the former special zone and 0.086 and 0.012 outside the former special zone, respectively. The Lorenz curves of beds and ophthalmologists in ophthalmology departments were closer to the equity line outside the former special zone in relative to within the former special zone. @* Conclusion@#The gross number of beds and ophthalmologists remains to be increased in ophthalmology departments of medical institutions in Shenzhen City, and the equity of regional resource allocation is poor, which is mainly characterized by resource scarcity in ophthalmology departments outside the former special zone.